Contact Form
Phone Numbers
You can reach us by phone, by choosing one of the following numbers.
Please choose the most convenient phone number for you. For example: If you are in Great Britain, please call our phone number in London.
Please don`t send us text mesages (sms)!
from Germany 0180 500 4552
international +49-180 500 4552
from United Kingdom 020-35146669
international +44-20-35146669
from Switzerland 0848 80 70 77
international +41-848 80 70 77
from Belgium 02-747 0945
international +32-2-747 0945
from Austria 0720-880 212
international +43-720 880 212
from Italy 0041848807077
international +41848807077
from Czech Republic 053 888 0026
international +420 53 888 0026
from Australia (02) 8520 3306
international +61-2 8520 3306
[Please dial this phone number only for reservations in Australia!]
Please don`t send us text messages (SMS)!